
Inflation Data

In 1977, Arnold Silver published the first and only Hospital Inflation Projections in his newsletter, Rate Controls.

These projections have been useful to all healthcare organizations including hospitals, insurers and suppliers. For hospitals, these projections can be used directly for budgeting and rate setting purposes or as a second opinion on the inflation figures the hospital has included in their budget. For insurers and suppliers, the figures have been used as a basis for negotiating contracts.

It is very important in the budgeting and rate setting process to have accurate inflation projections. If the hospital over-projects, the money WILL be spent. Under-projections are a problem as well. Department heads will be held accountable for spending overages that are beyond the hospital’s control.

Projections are based on CMS data, Medicare Cost Reports, industry surveys and previous trends. They are also based on the best information we have at the time and are subject to numerous variables.

This data is updated annually with the next update in the fall of 2018.

3-Year Wage Index History

Get a 3-year cost report and wage index history to discover trends or action items.

Wage Index Resources

CMS has released the FY 2026 Hospital Wage Index Timetable for year Beginning October 1, 2025. Click on the link below to download the timeline. A history of prior year’s Timetables are included.

FY 2026 Wage Index Timetable (PDF)

FY 2025 Wage Index Timetable (PDF) is for Wage Index Beginning October 1, 2024.

FY 2024 Wage Index Timetable (PDF) is for Wage Index Beginning October 1, 2023.

FY 2023 Wage Index Timetable (PDF) is for Wage Index Beginning October 1 2022.

The following file contains FY 2022 Hospital Wage Index Timetable for year beginning October 1, 2021.

FY 2022 Wage Index Timetable (PDF)

CMS allows a three-year average to calculate defined Benefit Pension amounts with a potential to amortize prior disallowed amounts over ten years.
Click on the link to get a worksheet to calculate your allowed amount.

Pension 3 Year Average Worksheet (Excel Spreadsheet link)

In addition, we’ve provided a convenient link to the current Wage Index files housed on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Web site. Click below to access this data.

CMS Wage Index Files

Here is our companion web site that has the history of each CBSA’s Wage Index for the past three years. We will be updating the estimates with each new Public Use File CMS releases in October, February, May and August:

Here is the Occupational Mix Survey Form and Instructions for the OMS due July 1, 2023.

Instructions in PDF Format as well.

We’ll continue to update and post useful resources for Wage Index Data. Please e-mail or call us at (602) 296-7182

Relevant Industry Links

Three-year history of the Medicare wage index for each CBSA:

The CMS website contains Public Use Files (PUFs) that include the Worksheet S-3s submitted by hospitals nationwide and the resulting AHWs:

CMS- Wage Index Files:

CMS – Provider Reimbursement Manual*

• See Chapter 40 for instructions of Form CMS 2552-10

CMS – Acute Inpatient PPS:

The Federal Register is published daily at:


American Hospital Association:

CMS Deadline Calendar Download

Hospitals face many deadlines dictated by CMS throughout the year. We have created a downloadable file of these CMS deadlines that can be added directly to your calendar. Click on the link below…

Import dates into your calendar

August 3, 2020 – Last Occupational Mix Survey to be submitted to MAC

April 30, 2021 – Release of Final FY 2022 wage index and occupational mix data PUF

May 28, 2021 – Deadline to submit corrections to April PUF

May 31, 2021 – Cost Report for December FYE due

August 1, 2021 – Publication of Final Rule PUF

August 31, 2021 – Cost Report for March FYE

September 2, 2021 – Deadline to submit FY 2023 revisions

October 1, 2021 – Effective date of FY 2022 wage index

November 30, 2021 – Cost Report for June FYE due

January 28, 2022 – Release of revised FY 2023 PUF.
Find your Wage Index at

April/May 2022 – Final rule for FY 2023 to be published

August 1, 2022 – Publication of FY 2023 final rule

September 2, 2022 – Deadline for FY 2024 revisions

October 1, 2022 – Effective date of FY 2023 Wage Index

April/May 2023 – Final rule for FY 2024 to be published

July 1, 2023 – Occupational Mix Surveys Due

August 1, 2023 -Publication of FY 2024 final rule

October 1, 2023 – Effective date of FY 2024 Wage Index